Priscilla is a highly regarded expert in the field of life skills development, with a focus on mental health, paradigm shift, work-life balance, and stress management.

Priscilla is a seasoned coach and trainer with over a decade of experience. She has a reputation for helping individuals and organizations reach their full potential through training, capacity building, coaching, and mentorship across both the public and private sectors. 

With a commitment to excellence and a passion for helping others, her program’s delivery approach is Simplified, hands-on, and practical to our day-to-day lives at a personal level or in workplace environments. Priscilla believes that it is important to look beyond traditional training programs in developing soft life skills. Her innovative approach combines the latest research and industry best practices to deliver effective and evidence-based training programs tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.

Priscilla has a proven track record of success. Her programs have helped countless individuals and organizations improve their productivity and performance, better manage their finances, change their attitude and life perspectives, increase customer satisfaction and sales, and improve customer relationships and achieve sales targets.

Priscilla is a seasoned coach and trainer with over a decade of experience. She has a reputation for helping individuals & organizations reach their full potential through training, capacity building, coaching, and mentorship across both the public & private sectors. 

With a commitment to excellence and a passion for helping others, her program’s delivery approach is Simplified, hands-on, and practical to our day-to-day lives at a personal level or in workplace environments. Priscilla believes that it is important to look beyond traditional training programs in developing soft life skills. Her innovative approach combines the latest research and industry best practices to deliver effective and evidence-based training programs tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.

Priscilla has a proven track record of success. Her programs have helped countless individuals and organizations improve their productivity and performance, better manage their finances, change their attitude and life perspectives, increase customer satisfaction and sales, and improve customer relationships and achieve sales targets.

Are you looking for a trainer or coach who can help you or your team reach full potential? Would you like to learn or your team to learn how to cope with stress, achieve work-life balance, and shift your mindset to a more positive and productive one?

Let's Engage

0103 303 788

Why Priscilla Wangare

Why Work With Her

Priscilla has a reputation for excellence and a passion for helping others. She has helped countless people and businesses improve their skills, outcomes, and relationships. Priscilla tailors her programs to meet client’s specific needs and challenges. She does not just teach theory, she shows you how to apply it in your day-to-day life. She makes learning enjoyable and engaging, so you can retain the information and use it effectively. Priscilla is fully committed to:

Enhancing the mental well-being and resilience of individuals by providing them with effective strategies and techniques to cope with stress, anxiety, and burnout .

Fostering a positive and productive work culture by helping individuals develop a growth mindset, embrace change, and overcome challenges .

Improving the work-life balance and satisfaction of individuals by assisting them in setting realistic goals, prioritizing tasks, managing time, and creating healthy boundaries.

Boosting the performance and creativity of individuals by facilitating them to discover their strengths, passions, and purpose and align them with their work roles.

Strengthening the communication and collaboration skills of individuals by teaching them how to listen actively, express themselves clearly, give and receive feedback, & resolve conflicts .

Empowering the leadership and management skills of individuals by coaching them on how to motivate, inspire, & influence others, as well as how to delegate, monitor, and evaluate work outcomes .

Partnerships & Collaborations

The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.

Henry Ford

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